Dinotopia movie parts 3 & 4 in english free on youtube
Dinotopia movie parts 3 & 4 in english free on youtube

dinotopia movie parts 3 & 4 in english free on youtube

It’s about an excavator filling a hole where a cherry tree once stood. It’s about a couple of women chatting over coffee, or about workers roofing the house next door. Urban sketching is a tree with its middle chopped away to accommodate Seattle’s ubiquitous power lines. But although I can’t resist sketching world-famous icons whenever I’m fortunate enough to see them, for me, urban sketching is much more than that. Sketching one of the world’s most famous icons felt like a dream come true – the ultimate in urban sketching. In May, my husband Greg and I went to France for the first time, and I sketched the Eiffel Tower. Even when I stay home and enjoy sketches online, I am still a part of that rich network, learning with every sketch about other people’s lives. I sketch almost weekly with my local group, sharing sketches, art supplies and friendship.

dinotopia movie parts 3 & 4 in english free on youtube

I have met and sketched with many wonderful people around the globe, either at symposiums or during other travel, because the USk network brought us together. In the last four years, it is not an exaggeration to say that Urban Sketchers has changed my life. Part 8 of the Urban Sketchers Manifesto, to “show the world, one drawing at a time,” has a flip side: Sketching enables me to see my own world, one drawing at a time. I wanted to learn to see, and therefore experience, those locations (and any new ones that I travel to) more completely.

dinotopia movie parts 3 & 4 in english free on youtube

His drawings of Seattle – my birthplace and lifelong home – were of sights that I had seen many times, yet had never truly seen. In 2011, inspired by Gabi Campanario’s Seattle Sketcher column, I finally decided to overcome the fear. I think of it more as a way of life – something that has become such a normal part of my everydayness that it shapes how I view the world.įor most of my life I had both the fear of drawing as well as the desire to draw. "The dictionary says that a hobby is “an activity or interest pursued for pleasure or relaxation.” Although urban sketching certainly provides both pleasure and relaxation, I don’t think of it as my hobby.

Dinotopia movie parts 3 & 4 in english free on youtube